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2003-08-01 12:43 p.m.
yay for my tv!


my tv came yesterday.... its huge apparently. Sarah can fit into the box. *giggles* Now I just have to clear some space for it on my desk.. Lets see, if I put the monitor away for now, theres no point in having it on the desk when I don't have computer and cant use the monitor... Will need to see if I can hook the TV to my stereo speakers... Get all technical for that

Now to confused me.. see, Stu's on holiday. In Scotland. Or so I thought. So imagine my surprise to see the .gl.blueyonder.co.uk host in my stats, thinking oh thats just Jim, I check the refer page, and it came from a buddy list...

Hrmmmm, unless Helen's back home, which she might be as its now summer holiday's. Helen do you have blueyonder?

I'm mightly confused about this host thing. grrrrrrr.

Anyway, yeah... other people I talked to last night, Simon, Keith, and Antony... RA!!!! talked more via texts to nasty Keith... said he told me he didn't think anything would happen (after meeting me just the once so how would he know) because he didn't want me to get the wrong impression. Talk about big ego. Besides I have enough on my plate. Had Kaleema yesterday telling me Paul thought the world of me and blah blah blah blah blah.... I don't need that kind of pressure. Yes so he thinks the world of me. If he does he'll have to fucking wait. A long time. Till I feel comfortable in being with someone again. I don't want to get hurt and until I can trust people again (which will take a long time) then there's no way I'm opening up and letting people close to me again.

Plus all the bullshit I'm getting at the moment isn't helping... grrrr, no more ms. nice gal

Added more to my wishlist, got about 45 items now, although I'm going out at lunch to Ottakers and W H Smith and seeing what they have in stock.. see if the books on my wishlist (bar the 'little books') are in those shops and if so well, I'll buy them then and there... take them off my wishlist.

OK, rambled enough... back to work

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